two very different personalities.
one big passion.

Like any brothers we often didn’t get along very well as kids or teenagers. Vaughn was particularly adept at inflicting dead legs while i had the cunning to get him in trouble with our parents even when he didn’t deserve it.

Although we fought at home, on the golf course we seemed to unite in a shared frustration that i think nearly all golfers have for the game. We managed to get out to some of the local 9 hole courses and pitch and putt courses, sometimes paying, sometimes not, but always leaving with a promise to get better.

Now many years later, although we haven’t improved much as players, we have committed to improving the game for others.


V bro.

Since 1979 V-Bro has been losing his patience!!! Testing the tensile strength of  golf clubs was his true passion, Happy Gilmore style!

It was this passion for “deconstructing” things that started his career in engineering. Following a 7-year Engineering education, Vaughn embarked on a successful career working for world leading Pharmaceutical companies and specialising in detailed engineering solutions.

Although often ignited by ill temper, these little experiments gave Vaughn an opportunity to see how things really worked and gave him an early understanding of the physical world.

RO bro.

In 1985 Andy and Eileen Morrison, at the age of 42 had something of a surprise… or as Vaughn likes to call him, an accident. Yes, that’s when Ronan was born. 

He was however almost a polar opposite to Vaughn, happiest in his own company, always drawing or building something from lego, clay or mashed potato. Although not quite as routed in the physical world as Vaughn, it was a creative mindset that spurred him on to become a graphic designer, a video producer, and finally a fine furniture designer and master craftsman.

Science and art marry perfectly to create precision and beauty.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Being a designer and a maker i strive on the opportunity to make with free will considering the beauty of a putter and applying function by eye and by feel only. I don’t get bogged down by the science.

Vaughn on the other hand does exactly that. He looks at a putter with a scientific mind calculating how much weight do you need for a perfect roll, where should the centre of gravity be for the perfect sweet spot.

As a result we can often slip back into our old ways of fighting like cats and dogs but with time we always come to an understanding that satisfies both form and function.